What is Motherboard? It Types & Components

Many of us are familiar with the motherboard and know that this important component inside our computer plays a fundamental role. But we may not be familiar enough with the parts and components of the motherboard. In this article, we want to introduce you to the parts and all other hardware components that are connected to it by wire or placed directly on it.

What is The Motherboard?

The motherboard is the major and most important computer board and for this reason, it is also called the mainboard. In fact, the motherboard is an electronic component on which other components are either mounted or connected by some means.

Motherboard in computer

It furnishes communication between other hardware components, including RAM (Random Access Memory), CPU (Central Processing Unit), HDD (Hard Disk Drive), GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), etc via circuits that are thinner than a hair. The motherboard also acts as a mediator between these hardware components and the power supply (PSU) in order to supply the electrical energy they need.

What is the use of Motherboard?

The electrical part of a computer that connects the system components is the motherboard. The computer consists of components such as CPU, RAM, output devices, hard drive, graphics card, sound card, input devices, and drivers. These parts require a board to connect to the other parts in a proper way. The mainboard is that part that connects these parts with each other. As a result, the main job of the motherboard is to set up a connection between all the hardware components of the system.

Components Of Motherboard

A motherboard consists of 8 major parts. In this article, we will explain you to the components mounted on the motherboard.

Components Of Motherboard


BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System, which is the area where all the information and settings of the motherboard are stored. This way allows better access and updates. It’s important in the booting process of a computer system.

CMOS stands for Complimentary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor. The CMOS battery is a 3.0-volt lithium-ion battery cell or button cell. The cell is responsible to store information in the BIOS. A CMOS battery is typically named CR-2032 which is the area that is responsible for storing information when the system is powered off.

Input / Output Ports

Input and output ports are also generally known as I / O. These ports are present on the back of the computer and usually have a color code.

Here we have shown you the input and output ports with their colors.