A monitor is an important output device. All results of processing are shown on the monitor screen. To learn more about monitors, their types, the difference between various types of monitors, functions, and features are the core points discussed in this article. Let,s read it.
Monitor or Visual Display Unit
The monitor is the most important and commonly used output device. The result of the processing displayed by the monitor is called output. A monitor looks the same as a television. It is used to display images, text, videos, etc.
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Monitor uses the cathode ray tube (CRT) technology. CRT tube uses an electron beam to generate an image on the screen. CRT is based on one or more guns that fire a beam of electrons within the screen. Very tiny phosphor dots are used to coat the screen from inside.
Electrons beam frequently falls on the surface of the screen. Every beam fall occurs in just a fraction of a second. In color monitors, CRT consists of three guns. These guns generate red, green, blue (RGB) colors. The other colors are generated with the combination of these three colors.
Features of Monitors
- Size
- Resolution
- Refresh rate
- Dot pitch
Monitors are available in different sizes. The standard monitor for personal computers is 13 to 16 inches. The size of the monitor is measured diagonally.
The resolution of a monitor is the number of pixels on the screen. It is the image sharpness of a display screen. It is expressed as a matrix. A resolution of 640×480 means there is 640 horizontal pixels and 480 vertical pixels. The actual resolution is determined by the video controller, not by the monitor. Most monitors provide resolutions of 640×480, 800×600, and 1024×768.
Refresh Rate
The number of times the electron guns scan every pixel on the screen in one second is called refresh rate. It is measured in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second.
Dot Pitch
The distance between the phosphorus dots that create a single pixel is called a dot pitch.
Video Display Adapters
A display screen must have a video display adapter attached to the computer to display graphics. It is also called a video graphics card. It is a circuit board that determines the following things:
- Resolution
- Number of colors
- The speed with which images appear on the display screen
Types of Graphic Cards
There are three types of graphics cards: