Types Of Central Processing Unit And Their Functions

A central processing unit (CPU) known as a central or main processor, is an electronic part within a computer that executes instructions by the user. CPU consists of two components ALU & CU that handle arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations as per instructions.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is an electronic component inside the computer that handles and processes all instructions it receives from hardware and software running on the computer. It is the combination of two parts ALU & CU. It is also called a processor.

central processing unit

CPU is mounted on the motherboard. It carries out most of the work of a computer. Data comes from RAM and other units such as keyboards and drives that pass through the CPU continually. CPU processes the data and sends it back to RAM and also to other units.

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What Is CPU Full Form?

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It is the main part of the computer that receives information from memory, then applies various algorithms such as multiplication and addition or logic operations such as and or not, and Finally delivers the output.

CPU continually receives instructions to execute. Each instruction tells the CPU to process data. Furthermore, the CPU performs all operations on data according to the given instructions. It executes instructions and tells other parts of the computer what to do. Most of the work consists of calculations and data transfer.

Features Of CPU

The central processing unit (CPU) has the following features:

  • It is considered the brain of the computer.
  • Performs a variety of data processing operations.
  • Controls the operation of all parts of the computer.

Components Of The CPU 

A CPU is the combination of three major components that are ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit), CU (Control Unit) & Memory or Storage Unit / Registers. Both ALU & CU have unique functionality. It tackles arithmetic and logical operations while CU is responsible to control all activities of a computer.

components of central processing unit

  • Control Unit: The control unit is also called the supervisor of the computer that controls all activities of a computer system. CU fetches instructions from the main memory, interprets that instruction to find what operation is to be performed, and controls the execution of the instruction.
  • ALU: Arithmetic & logical unit is a part of the CPU. The actual execution of the instructions takes place in this part. All arithmetic and logical operations are performed in ALU. Furthermore, ALU further has two units that are Arithmetic Unit and Logic Unit.
  • Arithmetic Unit: The ALU performs basic arithmetic functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division also.
  • Logical Unit: The ALU carries out logical operations such as a comparison of two data items and also to find which data item is greater than, equal to, or less than the other.
  • Memory or Storage Unit / Registers: A register is a small high-speed memory inside the CPU. It is used to store temporary results. CPU Registers are designed to be assessed at a much higher speed than conventional memory.  Some registers are general purpose while others are classified according to the function they perform.

Examples Of Central Processing Unit

The CPUs are manufactured by Intel and AMD, each of which produces its own type of CPU. In the modern era, there are many types of CPUs on the market. Here are some of the main types of CPUs:

Single Core CPU