BIOS (Basic Input / Output System)

BIOS stands for basic input/output system. The BIOS is the first software program that runs when you start up your system. when a computer turns on, the BIOS goes into action, and the booting process will begin.

What Does the BIOS do?

BIOS is basically a program that tells your operating systems like Windows and Linux OS what to do. It also sets up all the parameters for the hardware that’s installed inside of your computer.

When The First BIOS Developed?

The first BIOS became developed by Gary Kildall and included in the CP/M operating device in 1974. Kildall coined the term “BIOS” to describe part of a device that hundreds at boot up and communicates with different hardware within the system.

Well, the Basic Input / Output System is stored on what’s called a ROM or read-only memory chip on the motherboard. Now the motherboard which is what I have in front of you. This motherboard sits inside of your computer that’s gonna I’m gonna highlight.

I want to give you an idea of where the BIOS chip is stored on. Here that’s your BIOS chip. Well generally you don’t have to make a change to your BIOS, however, the Basic Input / Output System can be modified if you choose to do so. Now sometimes you may want to tweak your BIOS settings.

Usually, a PC enthusiast will change the BIOS to maximize the performance and speed of their computer. However, the average everyday person will want to stay clear of the BIOS in other words don’t touch it unless there’s a problem.


Now there are times when you don’t have any other choice and you were forced to make a change to the BIOS. Such as when your system is not running right a good example of when you may have to change or tweak your BIOS is when you install a new piece of hardware inside of your computer.

Sometimes you will receive a message from the computer saying that the Basic Input / Output System needs to be changed.

Now let’s say you need to change the Basic Input / Output System. Now the next question you might have is how do I access the BIOS if I need to make a change. Well, this can sometimes be tricky depending on the make and model of your computer.

What is Included in a BIOS?

The BIOS consists of instructions on a way to load basic computer hardware. It also consists of a test called a POST (Power-On Self-Test) that helps verify the computer meets necessities besides up properly.