
Mainframe Computers & Types

A mainframe computer is an ultra-high-speed computer designed to perform high-volume processor-intensive computing. Mainframe computers are used for scientific purposes and by large-scale businesses.

What is Mainframe Computer?

A mainframe computer is a high-performance computer with more than 100 users who can use a mainframe computer at a time. A mainframe computer is also known as a big ion.

Mainframe computers are used in credit-card Processing, business data processing in large organizations, and air traffic control systems.

They are also referred to as large-scale computers but supercomputers are larger than mainframe computers. These computers require a large clean room with an air conditioner.

Hence it is very expensive to buy and operate mainframes. Since they can support a large number of types of equipment and have multiple processors.

They can handle the input and output requirements of several thousands of users. For example, IBM s by three nine zero mainframes can support 50,000 users simultaneously.

mainframe computers

the users often accessed the mainframe with terminals or personal computers. There are basically two types of terminals used with mainframe systems. They are

  • Dumb Terminal
  • Intelligent Terminal

Dumb Terminal

The dumb terminal does not have its own CPU and storage devices. It uses the CPU and storage devices of the mainframe system. Typically a dumb terminal consists of a monitor and a keyboard or mouse.

Intelligent Terminal

The intelligent terminal has its own processor and can perform some processing operations. Normally, such a type of terminal does not have its storage. Personal computers are used as intelligent terminals.

If a personal computer is used as an intelligent terminal, facilitates access to data and other services from the mainframe system. It also enables local storage and processing of data.