Database & Its Component

A database is an organized collection of an associated set of data or information in a computer system or servers. This topic contains detailed information and comprehensive knowledge of the database, its components, example, and the hierarchy through which information is managed in a database.

What Is Database?

A database is often detailed as the associate organized set of related information. The word organized implies that information is kept in such a way that the user will store, manipulate and retrieve information simply.


The word connected implies that information is often created to store information on a couple of explicit topics. For instance, if you produce information for college students, it’ll contain information regarding the scholars like roll no, name, address, and alternative data regarding the scholars.

Similarly, if the information is regarding the staff of an organization, it’ll contain the information of workers like employee ID, grade and wage, etc. all information is organized in tables.


A table is the fundamental object of the database structure. The basic purpose of a table is to store data. A table consists of rows and columns. A table is a very convenient way to store data. You can easily manipulate the data in a table.

Serial No Name Qualification Email
1 Usman B.Sc. [email protected]
2 Abdullah M.Sc. [email protected]
3 Ejaz M.Sc. [email protected]

Rows/ Record

Rows are the horizontal part of the table. It is a collection of related fields. For example, in the above table, we have three rows. Each row contains a record of a different person.

1 Usman B.Sc. [email protected]


Columns are the vertical part of the table. For example, in the above table, all values under the “Name” field make a column.


Examples of Databases

Following area unit some necessary samples of databases: