
Types Of Network Devices & Communication Technologies

A network device is an important component of a computer network. These network devices are used to connect computers to form a network. A variety of networking devices are available with different functionality.

Different network technologies are used by these devices such as Ethernet, Token Ring, TCP/IP, The 802.11 Specification, WAP, Intranet, and FirewallFor more information, Let’s read this article.

Network Device

It is an electronic device that is designed and programmed to connect computers with similar or different protocols in order to form a computer network.

Types of Network Devices

Different types of network devices are as follows:

  • Repeaters
  • Routers
  • Gateway
  • Bridges


The repeater is a device that is used to connect networks of the same types to boost the signal. Signal strength loses when it passes along a cable. This loss is known as attenuation. It is often necessary to use a repeater to boost the signal.

network devices

Furthermore, every communication medium can transmit a signal to a limited distance. Repeaters are also used to transmit signals beyond the limit of communication media.


A router is a device that connects multiple networks using similar or different protocols. It manages the nested route between any two communication networks.

network devices

Furthermore, a router is suitable for big Wide Area Networks. it can connect networks of different countries. They send data in less time.


network devices