Relationship Data And Information With Examples

Data and information are interconnected. Data is a collection of raw particulars and statistics. The meaningful, ordered and processed form of data is called information. Each student’s test score is an example of data while. The average score of a class or school is an example of information.

What is Data in Simple Words?

Data is a collection of raw particulars and statistics that have not yet been processed to get their accurate meaning. data is represented by alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or special characters (+,-,/,*,<,>,=). It may consist of facts, characters, signs, and pictures also.

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Types and Uses of Data

With the advancement in technology, data is available now in the form of text, video, and audio. Mostly this type of data is in unstructured form.

Term the  Big Data is also considered a type of data that is used to explore the data that is in the petabyte range or higher. Big Data is also manipulated as 5Vs: variety, volume, value, veracity, and velocity.

types of data
types of data

Due to the horrible situation around the globe due to Covid-19, web-based eCommerce has extended at a large scale, business models based on Big Data have been developed, and they consider them as the most important asset. The term big data provides huge benefits to businessmen as it reduced costs, enhanced efficiency enhances sales, and much more.

Qualitative Data

Qualitative data is data that describes the info object features without specifying quantities or sizes. There are three sub-types of qualitative data:

  1. Nominal Data Type
  2.  Boolean Data Type
  3.  Ordinal Data Type

Nominal Data Type

Nominal data or Nominal Attribute data types mean that they’re associated with names and their values are nominal values or symbols.

Examples include the names of things or people. The nominal data isn’t subject to ranking and may represent specific categories or classifications For example: during a company’s sales database, some fields can have attributes like (marital status), for which the possible values are:

  • Unmarried
  • Married
  •  Widower
  • Absolute
  • etc.

And also (a profession that the possible values can be)