How Air Pollution Impacts Us?

Hi  Guys! I am here with a new topic for you. Do you know what are the effects of Air pollution? And, What is a major cause of diseases for the biotic community of an ecosystem? You will be wondering how we are contaminating our own air. I am here to discuss Air Pollution in this post.

The air is ~78% nitrogen, ~21% oxygen, and ~0.9% argon. The other elements are carbon dioxide, water vapor, and hydrogen. The absolute levels of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane may be low, but their ability to store excess heat as a greenhouse gas is an important factor, especially in accelerating climate change.

When the composition of air changes due to some external agent added to the air pollution of air occurs. The atmosphere is a delicate balance of grain and grain. Even the worst balance can be harmful to living creatures, animals, and crops.

What s Air Pollution?

The contamination in the composition of the air due to some external agents added to the air and becoming harmful to the biotic and abiotic factors of the environment is known as Air pollution.

Basically, air pollution is the contamination of the internal and external environment due to any physical, biological, or chemical agent, which deteriorates the quality of air.

Pollution in the air results from a combination of gaseous and particulate pollutants such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxides emitted from factories and vehicles. Some released gases are visible to the naked eye, while others diffuse into the atmosphere and become invisible. Fine dust contaminants such as grass and soot are still visible.

About Air Pollution

An example of how air pollution affects the environment and human life is a detailed account of the combined effects of melting ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctica leading to an increase in air pollution. As the glaciers grow, they deposit pollutants from the current atmosphere.

As the glaciers melt, various pollutants are released into the atmosphere over time, the net effect of which is to exacerbate and amplify the effects of air pollution. Pollutants reflect the conditions in which they were preserved; If they don’t melt, they become archives of the history of human interaction with the environment. However, the hot climate quickly creates environmental pollution risks and health risks

Causes of Air Pollution

Pollution enters the Earth’s atmosphere in many ways. Most air pollution is caused by humans in the form of industrial, automotive, aircraft, or aerosol emissions. Cigarette smoke is also considered air pollution. The Anthropogenic sources are basically man-made sources.

Some air pollution occurs naturally, such as smoke from combustion and volcanic ash. These are called natural properties.

Air pollution is common in large cities with high levels of emissions from various sources. Mountains and tall buildings can prevent the spread of air pollution. This air pollution is often manifested in the form of clouds that cover the atmosphere. This is called smoke. The word smoke comes from the combination of the words “smoke” and “hair.”

Air pollution in large cities in poor and developing countries is higher than in cities in developed countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Karachi, Pakistan is one of the most polluted cities in the world. New Delhi, India, Beijing, China, Lima, Peru. and Cairo, Egypt. Air pollution is also a problem in many developed countries. Los Angeles, California is called a smoldering city.

Indoor air pollution

Air pollution is usually seen as fumes from large industries or vehicle exhaust. But there are also many types of indoor air pollution.

Burning kerosene, wood, or coal for heating can pollute indoor air. Mold and fumes can make breathing difficult and stick to walls, food, and clothing.

Natural radon gas, which is a carcinogen, can also accumulate in homes. Radon is released from the Earth’s surface. Inexpensive equipment installed by professionals can reduce radon levels.

Some building materials, including insulation, also pose a risk to public health. In addition, ventilation or air movement in a home or building can spread toxic mold. Mold becomes airborne and spreads throughout your home. Inhaling bacteria can make people sick.

Impacts of Air Pollution

Impact on people

People experience a variety of health effects when exposed to air pollution. The effects can be divided into short-term and long-term effects.

Short-term effects are also caused by air pollution such as pneumonia. They can also cause discomfort, such as irritation of the nose, throat, eyes, or skin. Headache, dizziness, and nausea are also caused by air pollution. Strong smells from factories, garbage, or sewage are also considered air pollution. The smell is not too bad, but still unpleasant.

The long-term effects of air pollution can last for years or a lifetime. They can even cause someone else to die. Long-term health effects of air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer and respiratory diseases such as emphysema. Air pollution can cause chronic damage to the nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other human organs. Some researchers suspect that air pollution causes birth defects. Every year, around 2.5 million people die worldwide due to indoor or outdoor air pollution.

People react differently to different types of air pollution. Young children and older adults with weakened immune systems are often more susceptible to infections. Exposure to air pollution can worsen conditions such as asthma, heart disease, and lung disease. Duration of exposure and amount and type of contamination are also factors.

Impacts on the Environment – Air Pollution

Just like humans, animals, and plants, the entire ecosystem suffers from air pollution. Smoke, smog, is a visible form of air pollution that hides shapes and colors. Foggy air pollution can also muffle the sound.

Air pollution particles eventually return to Earth. Air pollution can directly cause Water Pollution in water bodies and land. This will kill the plant or reduce the yield. It kills young trees and other plants.

Sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide particles in the air can cause acid rain when they mix with atmospheric water and oxygen. These air pollutants usually come from coal-fired power plants and motor vehicles. When it falls to the ground, it damages plants by changing the composition of the soil; Water quality deterioration of rivers, lakes, and streams; poisonous crops; And buildings and monuments can make things worse.

Like humans, animals can experience health effects from exposure to air pollution. Air pollution causes birth defects, disease, and low reproductive performance.

Global Warming

Global Warming is a major issue nowadays caused by natural and also with anthropogenic air pollution. This indicates an increase in air and sea temperatures worldwide. This increase in temperature is at least partly due to an increase in the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases trap heat energy in the Earth’s atmosphere. (Usually, most of the Earth’s heat is lost to space.)

Carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas that has the greatest impact on global warming. The combustion of fossil fuels (coal, petrol, and natural gas) releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. People have turned to fossil fuels to power their cars and planes, heat their homes, and run their factories. These activities pollute the air with carbon dioxide.

Other greenhouse gases emitted from natural and man-made sources include methane, nitrous oxide and fluorine. Methane is the main source of emissions from coal-fired power plants and agricultural processes.

Nitrous oxide is a common emission from the combustion of fossil fuels in industry, agriculture, and vehicles. Industry produces fluorine-based gases, such as hydrofluorocarbons. Fluorine-based gases are often used instead of gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Many countries ban CFCs because they destroy the ozone layer.

Many countries around the world have taken steps to reduce or limit greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. The Kyoto Protocol, first adopted in Kyoto, Japan in 1997, is an agreement between 183 countries to work towards reducing carbon emissions. The United States has not signed the agreement.

Final Thoughts

I have briefly described Air Pollution in this post. Basically, Air Pollution is a major upcoming problem. There are lots of suggestions by our experts but no implementations. This is due to lake of our system and funds. I have told you each and every point. If you have any questions, you can ask freely. Thank You, Guys!

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