Difference Between World Wide Web And Internet

What is the difference between World Wide Web And Internet? The World Wide Web provides access to the Internet for everyone. The Internet has connected the world like never before.

Nowadays, ordinary people can easily communicate and share their information. In the following, we will deal with the web creation process.

What is the Internet?

As for the question of what the Internet is? Many would think that the Internet and the World Wide Web are the same things. Although they are very close to each other, they have a different structure.

What is World Wide Web [WWW]?

The World Wide Web is a collection of websites and web pages stored on different computers connected to each other via the Internet.

Websites include text, image, audio, video, and more. Users can access the content of these sites from anywhere in the world via the Internet.

The main structure of the webspace is web pages. Each of these pages has a unique URL called a URL. A web page that links to a specific URL is called a web page. In other words, the World Wide Web is like a huge e-book that is stored on different servers around the world.

Difference Between World Wide Web And Internet
Difference Between World Wide Web And Internet

The Difference Between World Wide Web And Internet

Some people use the World Wide Web and the internet as synonyms and consider the two words to be the same.

The Internet is the largest network of interconnected computers. But the World Wide Web is a collection of web pages launched on this network.

In other words, your computer’s browser uses the Internet to access the Internet. In addition, the Internet allows you to email, chat, and share your files with others.

For example, you are already using the Internet when chatting and interacting with others on the Internet. But when you open a link to a website like Google, you are using the World Wide Web.

How did the World Wide Web Invent?

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. The Thames had a team of 1,700 scientists in more than 100 different countries. So the scientists tried to find a new way to share their experimental data with others.