What is Big Data? Overview

In today’s world, a large amount of information needs to be processed. This large volume of data must be structured and processed by computers. This volume of information is called big data. In this article, we examine what big data is and explain big data in a very simple way.

What is Big Data?

Big data means a huge amount of structured and unstructured data that has the potential to help organizations improve their operations and make faster and smarter decisions. The number of these data is so much that it was difficult to process them using traditional databases and existing software.

In most organizations, the amount of data is too large or moving too fast and has exceeded the organization’s current processing capacity. Besides these problems, Big Data has the potential to help companies improve their operations and make faster and smarter decisions.

What is Big data structure

Currently, all big businesses are involved with this concept. Now that we are familiar with the concept of big data, in the rest of the article, we will examine the details and characteristics of big data.

What is Big Data Structure?

Since big data takes a lot of time and money to load into traditional databases for analysis. Big data analysis has given rise to new methods for data analysis and storage that pay less attention to the pattern and volume of data. Instead, raw data is collected locally and analyzed by machine learning and artificial intelligence to find recurring patterns using highly complex algorithms.

Then these iterative algorithms are used and analyze the data. With this method, there is no need to process all the data independently one by one. It is enough to extract the output results of the used algorithms, and use them for analysis and processing.

Features of Big Data

Big data is characterized by three main characteristics:

  • Volume
  • Speed
  • Variety

Big Data 3vs

These features are not only related to big data. It also refers to the technology of storing and processing this information. This technology includes tools and processes that need to call very large unstructured data.

Volume: The volume of data is important in big data analysis because big data will include all types of wrong, unprocessed, correct, processed, etc.