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What Is Website And Its Types With Functions, And Benefits

A website is a collection of interconnected web pages that generally reside on the same server. It contains a collection of information provided by individuals, groups, or organizations. Do you know the meaning of a website?

Surely you are all familiar with this word, especially the new generation who are close to technology. “What’s the website?” “have a website?” You must have heard this question many times. But do you know what the word website means that is often heard or spoken? Here are some explanations about the website that you should know.

What is a Website?

According to experts, “A website is a collection of related web pages identified by a common domain name and can be accessed by using a web browser on the internet”. While a web page is a page that displays content and appears on a site.

A website has a collection of web pages that contain specific and interrelated information in one domain and can be opened via URL / web address. For example, Sciencerack’s URL is When we click on this link address, a web page will appear. This display page is called the home page.


At this point, you may already have an idea about the meaning and examples of websites. Just type certain keywords in the search engine and links will appear that will direct your desired website.

History Of Website

The website was first created by Tim Berners-lee in the late 1980s and was officially online in 1991. The first website was discovered in a laboratory called CERN which is located in Espy. des Particules 1, 1211 Meyrin, Switzerland. The Berners-Lee team created a website with the initial goal of making it easier for researchers to exchange or change information while working.

Elements Of a Website

Have you ever wondered, “How we can access a website with the internet?” It turns out that there are several elements that make up a website that you can access from the internet.


Here is the list of the major components of a website:

  • Web Programs
  • Domain
  • Hosting
  • Theme
  • Content

1:- Web Programs

What is a website made of? So every function of the appearance of the website comes from the programming language script structure. Some examples of web programming languages are HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, etc.

2:- Domain

Every time you want to open a website you have to enter an address, for example, It’s called  “domain”. The website domain doesn’t just function as an address. But also as a brand that will be the identity of the website.

Therefore, if you want to register a domain, make sure the name is attractive enough but the writing is not complicated.

3:- Hosting

Each website is composed of all data. The data must of course have a container or storage place. Well, website hosting is that container. So starting from program scripts, images, text, videos, and other data, will be stored on the hosting.

Therefore, when creating a website, consider the storage capacity of your hosting. In addition, also pay attention to its performance. The fast hosting performance will affect website access speed.

4:- Theme

Simply, a website theme is a website design, including its layout. The theme is divided into several parts, namely:

  • Headers: The header is the top part of a web. It usually contains the logo and main menu, although it’s not exactly that.
  • Navigation: Another term for navigation is the main menu. Usually, this section is located in the header. But in some cases, it is possible to place the main menu in the Sidebar.
  • Feature Images: In general, a featured image is an image that becomes the main title of a web page. You can place a featured image on the landing page, like the example above. You can also place it as the main title of an article.
  • Sidebar: Simply put, the sidebar is the side (right or left) of a website. Usually to display additional menus or advertising banners. The example above, which uses the sidebar to display the main menu, is sparse.
  • Footer: Footer is the bottom part of a website. This section usually displays some information such as a contact or a brief description of the company.
  • Homepage: The homepage is the start page of the web. So when you first open the website, the homepage is what you will see. The homepage usually displays the main content line.

5:- Content

A website without content is like an empty pot. You should be able to fill it with vegetables, or whatever. The content can vary, from text to images, and videos.

Types of Websites

At the beginning of its existence, the website was only a platform for displaying writing. Currently, the website appears in a more diverse form. Some display text, visuals, audiovisuals, sound, illustrations, etc.

As technology develops, the types of websites become very varied. The following types of websites are divided into two categories, based on their appearance and function.

Types of Website In Terms Of Appearance

Based on the interface displayed, there are 3 types of websites, namely:

Static Web

Static websites have a fixed appearance and do not undergo many changes. Even if there are changes, they are usually minor and only in the homepage design elements. While the content and some other aspects have not changed at all.

Examples of static websites include company profiles or websites to display companies, agencies or organizations.

Dynamic Web

Dynamic websites are dynamic and easy to change according to the needs and developments of the times. This type of web usually has an interactive interface and the addition of advanced features.

Examples of dynamic web blogs, online stores, news portals, web-based information systems and the like.

Interactive Web

As the name suggests, interactive websites are special sites created to facilitate interaction between users. This type of website is included in the social media group.

Examples of interactive websites are Instagram, Facebook, and other similar platforms.

Types of Website In Terms Of Functionality

Judging from their function, the types of websites are quite diverse. Some function as entertainment, buying and selling transactions, communities, blogs, and much more. For more, let’s see the discussion below.

Private / Personal Sites

Private websites are generally used as a means of sharing personal information and opinions. For example, vent, work, and travel notes. Some people also use it for branding, personal blogs, online portfolios, and other professional needs.

The hallmark of this type of web is that it is not profit-oriented but only a means of information. You can use or platforms to create a personal website.

Company Websites

This type of website serves to display profiles and information about certain companies to the public. Usually also used as a means of product promotion and branding.

One example of this type of web that you will find most often is landing pages, company web portals, and company profiles.

3:- Agencies / Organizations Sites

Almost similar to a company web, this site displays profiles, programs, and events related to organizations or agencies.

Usually, this kind of website is used by various educational institutions, governments, to non-profit institutions. School websites, official websites, and the like are examples of this type of website.

Community Websites

Community websites are sites that display content posted by contributors, either from the community or from other parties. You can see this type of website on Wikipedia site, wiki-wikis, Kaskus, and similar websites.

E-commerce Websites

You may be familiar with this term. Yes, an e-commerce website is a site that is the basis for buying and selling online. Ecommerce is also popular as an online shop site or online shop.

This site provides various facilities that facilitate the buying and selling process in online transactions. In addition, it usually has more complex integrated features.

Media Sites

Media websites are usually sites that contain a variety of the latest information such as news portals, research results, surveys, opinions to interviews with public figures.

Blog Sites

Blogs are pages that contain articles containing useful information for readers. The type of blog content varies depending on the niche and type of website. There are blogs about traveling, technology, digital marketing, culinary, and more. Blog media can be an alternative to generating money through the website.

Entertainment Websites

Entertainment websites focus on displaying entertaining content. Some of the content that is often presented on this type of site is film, video documents, music, comics, and video games. Whatever the type of content, if it’s for fun, then it’s included in the category of this website.

Benefits Of Website

The following are some of the benefits that you can get when you have a website of your own.

1- To Build Personal Branding

By managing and optimizing your website pages, you also indirectly build personal branding. Most importantly, don’t forget to always update the content every day on a regular basis to increase your website traffic and ranking.

Building good branding will also have a good impact on the business products that are developed. So, when your personal branding begins to take shape, it will be easier for consumers to recognize and use your product.

2- To Introduce a Product or Service

The second benefit of a website is to introduce a product or service. With the web, it can reduce costs for advertising and you can focus more on improving and optimizing your site. With the help of SEO, it will be easier to increase your site’s ranking in search engines.

3- As a Forum For Sharing Information Sources

The third benefit is as a medium to inform related news, articles, readings, and others. Simply by reading articles or news through the site, you can get the latest information from all over the world. So, currently, the position of the website has been able to shift the use of TV and radio media.

4- Get Traffic And Make Money

The last benefit is that having a website is able to bring in more visitor traffic. This can happen if you have applied the correct optimization. Starting from things that are technical in nature, to doing On Page and Off Page optimization with SEO. So it can increase profits in the longer term.

Functions Of a Website

As one of the digital media, the function of the website is very much. However, we will summarize the 5 most important functions as follows.

1. Information Facilities

The main function of the website is as a medium of information that replaces print media. The difference is that the types of information shared through the website are very diverse and can be accessed by the public more quickly and easily. Anyone can share and obtain information more easily through this platform.

2. Communication Media

Apart from being a means of information on the internet, the website has a function of communication. In contrast to social media such as Whatsapp, Line, or Telegram, communication on the website is done through the website’s blog comment column.

3. Online Business

Have you ever made online buying and selling transactions via e-commerce sites? That is one example of the function of a website, namely as an online business medium. The website can be a place for buying and selling online. Either in the form of an e-commerce website, a marketplace, or a site for digital product transactions.

4. Branding & Marketing Tools

A website is not just a shop that you can build for your business, but it also functions as a branding and marketing tool. Any information can be displayed there, including profiles and portfolios.

An attractive website display will also add to the impression of a more classy and professional business. Once three money. You can build a business as well as introduce it to the public and promote it from one place.

5. Virtual Asset

The last main function of the website is as a virtual asset. Utilization of the website creates an advantage for the manager. For example, for businesses, it can add customers and for agencies, it can increase credibility.

While for individuals it can be an application as well as a new way to make money. This makes the website a very profitable business asset.

How to Create a Website?

Now, it’s time for you to create a website! It’s easy, really. You only need to follow a few ways to create a short website below:

1. Determine the Type of Website

The first step in website development is to determine the type of website. Because, different types require different pages, menus, features, and views.

Say, if you want to create an online store website, you need to think about the features on the product page. Meanwhile, if you create a blog, you simply arrange how the appearance of each post looks good.

2. Choose Hosting And Domain

The second step, you need to be selective in choosing the most important website elements, namely hosting and domains. Make sure you choose a trusted hosting with security, speed, and ease of use. For example, Hostgator provides features to support these three criteria:

  • Security: Imunify360 protection supported.
  • Speed: supported by LiteSpeed Web Server as the fastest web server.
  • Convenience: equipped with Member Area and cPanel that is easy to use even by beginners.

In addition to hosting, you need to choose a domain that matches the purpose of the website and the brand you want to build. Because the domain is your identity in the online world.

3. Install And Configure WordPress

Next, you need to install WordPress as a means of managing website content more easily. To do this, you just need to go to cPanel and select the WordPress option.

After WordPress is installed, you need to do some configurations such as installing themes, installing plugins, creating new pages, and optimizing the website. Well, instead of getting confused, you better follow the complete guide in the article on how to create a WordPress site.

4. Publishing Content

It’s time to populate your website! You can start publishing content on your website, whether it be articles, podcasts, or pictures and videos. Well, if the content you are going to publish focuses on the type of article, then make sure you write SEO-friendly articles. So, your articles can compete in the Google search engine.

And don’t forget to post content consistently according to the website’s niche, yes. That way, the Google search engine can detect that your website is suitable for the topic you are looking for.

Final Words

From the explanation above, we already know what a website is as well as its functions, types, and benefits. Of the various types of websites listed above, which website would you like to create?

Whatever the type of website, make sure it fits your needs and goals. Well, that’s it for now. Hopefully from this article, you understand what a website is and the basics of handling this platform well. Best wishes always.

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